Why register

Hide Folders XPis shareware and you must register the program to continue using it after the evaluation period. Registered users will receive information about the latest version of the program via e-mail. By registering your copy of Hide Folders XP you encourage developers to create new versions of this software and other products. As a registered user, any problem which might arise in your use of Hide Folders XP will be given the highest priority by our technical support team.

How to register Hide Folders XP

The ordering pages are on a secure server, ensuring that your confidential information remains confidential. As soon as your order is processed (usually in one business day for on-line payments), you will be provided with the registration code for your copy of Hide Folders XP. If you've made a payment , but haven't received a confirmation letter with your registration code within a reasonable amount of time (two business days for credit card payments or two weeks for other payments), please notify us!

Purchase registration code now.

How to complete the registration process

As soon as you received your registration code you can register your copy of Hide Folders XP and cancel shareware limitations.

To complete the registration process
Open Hide Folders main window
Select Help->Enter a registration code from the main menu
Enter your registration information into the related lines and press OK


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